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“Closer” is one of the most popular songs by The Chainsmokers. It currently has 2.3 billion views on YouTube and holds 23rd place in YouTube’s most-viewed songs. It’s a very simple song and you can learn playing it on a harmonica very quickly, especially with our easy harmonica tabs. The key is to get familiar with our method, which is very simple. We prepare easy harmonica tabs for beginners for every song. They show you which hole to play and whether to draw or blow the air. C harmonica and The Chainsmokers will go well together as the producers incorporate live instruments into their music.

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If you are a complete beginner and have problems with playing the song, feel free to slow it down and practice at a slower tempo. Once you get a hang of it, go back to original tempo and practice over and over again. Don’t hesitate to check out our other lessons – we have lots of many different harmonica songs. Keep revisiting our site for more content!

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